Wednesday, August 5, 2015 Long-Term Care Tip of the Day!

Long-Term Care, Steep Costs Even When It's 'Free'
Whether clients choose unpaid care or rely on it out of necessity, it's important to understand the hefty costs of such care. 


Family caregivers face financial challenges while caring for their loved ones. The AARP found that around 68% of family caregivers had to use their own money to help provide care for a relative.

Families often have to put other important financial goals -- like saving for retirement or a child's education -- on hold. Putting off these events or borrowing money to pay for them can lead to stress for all family members.

Children want their parents to be taken care of. But think about this typical situation: A father who is 30 years older than his children will be in his late 80s when his children are in their 50s, who in turn will be paying for the college education of the grandkids.


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