Friday, June 19, 2015 Tip of the Day!

Why Millennials Need to Start Saving for 

Retirement Now!



As a professional 20-something, everyone wants a piece of your paycheck, but are you potentially missing out on a big opportunity?
It may be difficult for 20-something professionals to contemplate saving for retirement while they’re just embarking on their careers. However, there are numerous reasons why contributing to your employer’s retirement plan is a fantastic place to start. First, many employers offer matching 401(k) contributions in the 3% to 5% range. At many large companies, this is the equivalent of an annual salary increase, and yet a vast majority of 20-something professionals fail to take advantage of this money by not contributing.
While the free money is nice, there may be an even better reason to start contributing to your employer retirement plan right away. When you re-route a certain amount of your paycheck each month, it feels like you never had it in the first place. This effectively forces you to live below your means in a relatively pain-free way, a powerful habit that will get you started off on the right financial foot.

As Richard Thaler and Cass Sunstein wrote in the book “Nudge,” the feeling of losing something (like seeing a reduction in your paycheck) makes us twice as miserable as gaining the same thing makes us happy. In other words, starting now to save for retirement via your employer-sponsored plan is a lot easier, psychologically speaking, than trying to start later on, after you’ve become accustomed to your full paycheck. Some employer retirement plans even have a feature that will annually adjust your contribution level. Setting the date of your contribution increase for around the same time of year that you receive your annual salary adjustment will automatically increase your contribution amount each year, without ever impacting your paycheck.
Perhaps the best argument for participating in your employer retirement plan, however, is something that the Millennial generation has become known for: job hopping.
It’s no secret that Millennials chase after their dreams when it comes to employment. This includes potentially making one or several dramatic career changes over the course of their employed life. Contributing to a retirement plan in your 20s gives you substantially more freedom to pursue other opportunities down the line. The money you put into your retirement plan in your 20s will continue to grow exponentially year after year, regardless of whether you continue to contribute to it.
For example, let’s say you invest $5,000 annually in your employer-sponsored retirement plan starting at the age 22 (the age at which many college graduates enter the workforce) until you turn 30. Assuming 7% growth compounded annually, you’d have approximately $55,000 by the time you reach 30. Even If you were to stop contributing, your money will have grown to over $108,000 by the time you turn 40.
Bottom line: If you’ve built up a sizable savings in your 20s, you’ll have more freedom to take financial risks in your 30s–like taking a substantial drop in salary to pursue your dream job.
Many factors contribute to a solid financial future, and there’s no denying that 20-something professionals have a lot of responsibilities competing for their limited financial resources. However, contributing to an employer retirement plan is an important piece of the puzzle and those who get this piece right will find that they have increased flexibility, options and freedom in the future.
Stacy Francis is president and CEO of Francis Financial, a fee-only boutique wealth management and financial planning firm.

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