Vasilios “
Voss” Speros Tip of the day! 602-531-5141 602-531-5141
Strategy for
increasing retirement
Social Security is even
more valuable in a low (interest rate) environment. It's gotten less attention
than it deserves. But it's a large component of any financial plan.
The first reality is
that most people live longer than they expect. A 65-year-old couple has an 88
percent chance that one of them will live to age 80; a 73 percent chance one
will live to age 85; and a 49 percent chance one will live to age 90. So they will
be collecting benefits for a long time.
The second reality is
that in spite of rapid benefit growth for delay, most people take benefits
early. Few take them late. The average age for starting benefits,
is 63.8 years. Women draw benefits ASAP -- 49 percent start at age 62. And only
0.6 percent of men wait until age 70.
To bridge the years
between 62 and 70, we suggest using a term annuity with inflation adjustment
instead of taking benefits. Using Social Security estimates of inflation, we
calculate that taking a typical $1,035-a-month benefit at age 62 will grow 2.5
percent a year to $1,264 by age 70. But if taking the benefit is delayed, it
will be twice as much by age 70, a handsome $2,523 a month. That's a gain of
$1,259 a month for waiting.
You can cover the eight
years of uncollected benefits with a term annuity. This is an insurance
contract that provides monthly payments for a specific period of time. In this
case, we suggest an eight-year term annuity from age 62 to 70. The annuity
would have an initial monthly payment of $1,035 that will rise by 2.5 percent a
year, just like the Social Security benefit is estimated to increase. The cost,
at recent annuity prices: a one-time payment of $100,181.
Add the monthly
payments, and you discover that you'll have your purchase price back in about
six years and six months. If the annuity is purchased with non-qualified money
(cash that is not in a tax-deferred vehicle), we estimate that 92 percent of
every dollar will be tax-free return of principal.
The payoff at 70 is
doubled Social Security benefits. At the end of the annuity, you start taking
Social Security benefits of $2,523 a month. That's double the $1,264 a month
you would have if you started benefits at age 62. The entire amount will be inflation-adjusted
as long as you or your spouse lives.
Basically, you have
doubled your Social Security benefits at age 70 with a one-time investment of
$100,000. A joint and survivor life annuity that is not inflation-adjusted
would cost $230,586 to provide the same income. Adding inflation adjustment
generally adds about 40 percent to the cost of a life annuity, so the
apples-to-apples comparison cost would be about $322,000.
To put that in some
perspective, my calculator tells me that the $100,181 premium would have to
grow at a compound annual rate of 15.7 percent to reach $322,000 in eight
years. Instead, you got your money back in less than seven years and doubled
your Social Security benefits as long as you live.
The bottom line here is
simple: If you are healthy and in your early 60s, thinking about retiring soon,
and wanting to assure future income, the delay-Social Security strategy is the
step to take before considering any other options to increase future income.
Vasilios "Voss" Speros 602-531-5141
Spence Cassidy and Associates
#LifeInsurancePhoenix #RetirementStrategiesPhoenix
Spence Cassidy and Associates
#LifeInsurancePhoenix #RetirementStrategiesPhoenix
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