#1 For Life And Retirement Strategies Key tip of the Day!
http://www.sperosfinancial.com/ 602-531-5141
Retirement planning is not an isolated, one-time event—something that you do once in your life and then just put on cruise control. Instead, it should be an ongoing process that changes and evolves as you move through the various stages of your life.
Retirement saving and investing strategies should be adapted to reflect changing goals and circumstances as individuals move throughout their life. Individuals in their 20’s, for example, may be just starting out on the career ladder and earning less money than they will be later in life. But their expenses may also be lower, especially if they are single and have not yet started a family.
These and many other factors will influence how much money they can realistically save for retirement at this stage of their life, as well as how the money should be invested.
Vasilios "Voss" Speros 602-531-5141
Spence Cassidy and Associates
#life #insurance #Retirement #Strategies
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