Tuesday, October 28, 2014

#1 For Life And Retirement Strategies Halloween Time!

#1 For Life And Retirement Strategies Halloween Time!
http://www.sperosfinancial.com/ 602-531-5141 

Create the retirement that you want by saving NOW!
Ahh retirement, when you can finally kiss that alarm clock goodbye. But before that can happen, you need to plan. Follow these tips for how to get started at any age.

Ahh, retirement, a time when the weekends and weekdays blend together and alarms are as necessary as high heels and makeup.

These days, the average age Americans retire at is 61, according to Gallup's most-recent Economy and Personal Finance survey. But before you can hit the golf course at 10 a.m. on a Tuesday or go for a week-long spa retreat with your girlfriends and really savor your retired years, you need to plan, and that planning should start early.

Retirement planning should start with your very first job, Join your company retirement plan — even if they don't offer a match.

And if they don't offer a retirement plan, open a Roth IRA and fully fund it. Every year. You can contribute $5,500 per year.

Make it a priority.

Just as it's never too early to start investing in your retirement, saying "it's too late to start" is also never a valid excuse. Even if you're approaching 50 and have yet to plan beyond Social Security and — if you're lucky — a pension, experts suggest you don't get too anxious — as long as you take some kind of action.
You can start building that nest egg no matter what your age.

What Every Woman Should Know
1 Women live longer as a rule, so they need to save more for a longer retirement.

2 Many women spend fewer years in the workforce and in many cases earn less than men even for the same job, which contributes to lower pension and Social Security benefits.

3 Lower pension and Social Security benefits mean many women may need to invest more aggressively and begin contributing to their retirement savings as early as possible.

4 Since females tend to outlive males, they should be actively involved in the retirement/financial plan for the family to ensure joint assets will not be wiped out should their spouse incur significant medical expenses, leaving them with little to live on. With the added protection of life insurance to cover loss of assets and income as well as long term care to is a must have.

Vasilios "Voss" Speros 602-531-5141
Spence Cassidy and Associates 
#life #insurance #Retirement #Strategies 


Thursday, October 23, 2014

#1 For Life And Retirement Strategies Happy Friday!

#1 For Life And Retirement Strategies Key tip of the Day!
http://www.sperosfinancial.com/ 602-531-5141 

Moving Toward Mid-Life
As they move into their 30’s, individuals may have begun to climb the career ladder and increase their earning power and income. At the same time, though, they may also have started a family and assumed more financial responsibilities like a mortgage, life insurance, multiple car payments, and all of the expenses involved in raising children. Ideally, this is the life stage where individuals should be gradually increasing the amount of money they are contributing to their retirement plans.

In their 40’s, many individuals are starting to see their incomes continue to rise. At the same time, though, they may also be facing higher living expenses than at any other time in their lives. For example, their children may be teenagers, which can be the most expensive age for supporting kids, or they may be saving for college or helping pay for their children’s college educations at this time.

The 50’s represent the peak earning years for many individuals, as well as a time when their living expenses may be starting to decrease as their children move out of the house and complete college. During this time, individuals should be kicking their retirement savings into overdrive by putting as much money as possible into their retirement plans. Their time-frame for saving is growing ever-shorter as their eventual retirement date draws closer each year.

Entering the Golden Years

Once they enter their 60’s, many individuals’ retirement planning focus shifts from asset accumulation to asset distribution and consumption. This is the time when most individuals should begin thinking about devising a portfolio distribution plan that details how they will withdraw enough money from their retirement plan to meet their living expenses, but not so much that they risk outliving their savings.

Vasilios "Voss" Speros 602-531-5141 
#life #insurance #Retirement #Strategies 


#1 For Life And Retirement Strategies Key tip of the Day!

#1 For Life And Retirement Strategies Key tip of the Day!
http://www.sperosfinancial.com/ 602-531-5141 

Retirement planning is not an isolated, one-time event—something that you do once in your life and then just put on cruise control. Instead, it should be an ongoing process that changes and evolves as you move through the various stages of your life.

Retirement saving and investing strategies should be adapted to reflect changing goals and circumstances as individuals move throughout their life. Individuals in their 20’s, for example, may be just starting out on the career ladder and earning less money than they will be later in life. But their expenses may also be lower, especially if they are single and have not yet started a family.

These and many other factors will influence how much money they can realistically save for retirement at this stage of their life, as well as how the money should be invested.

Vasilios "Voss" Speros 602-531-5141
Spence Cassidy and Associates 
#life #insurance #Retirement #Strategies 
